What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

The birth of my daughter made me realize I needed to do something else than work 80 hour weeks for a consulting company. Entrepreneurship seemed like the obvious choice. I wanted the freedom to take the time I wanted to spend with my kids.

What's a perspective that we should pay more attention to in the workplace?

The Pareto Principle is talked a lot about. But I haven't seen it implemented very well, because people are afraid to let go... of a particular customer, an employee, or a process. It could make your life and your company a lot better.

What do you wish you had known 10 years ago?

More focus on Sales! I was too much of a product guy most of the time and when I switched on the Sales side everything became a lot easier.

What shift in mindset has allowed you to see things differently?

Ask yourself if you could have "both." A lot of times we're confronted to do “this or that.” And, usually, if that's the question, then you decide for one of them without even thinking if both would have been possible. When I started asking myself if I could have both, in many cases I found solutions that would indeed give me both. This allowed me to see things differently.

What’s a guiding principle that informs the way you build and run your business?

"Move fast and break things" is probably the best summary. I would rather do five things, test them out, and learn something than to do extensive research before even taking the first step.

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What should leaders understand about their own role and responsibility?

Your own time and energy is the most precious resource you have. Use it wisely, and learn what gives you energy, and what saps you. In the early years of building something, you need to throw a huge amount of time at it - and do many things you perhaps don’t like doing. But as you scale, it’s vital to take a step back and build a business that can grow rapidly beyond the time you put into it.


What shift in perspective has allowed you to see things differently?

It may sound simple, but realizing and truly understanding that we are all different and driven by different things has made a significant impact on me. This insight has changed the way I approach relationships and leadership.

CEO and Co-founder
Twine (Entwine AB)

What’s a guiding principle that informs the way you build and run your business?

One of our core values at Cozero is radical candor. It is the idea that the willingness to repeatedly enter uncomfortable situations to speak the truth benefits everyone in the long run. We believe that in order to grow and improve as an organization, we need to create an environment where our team is not afraid to challenge processes and decisions. Making this a core value guides us in difficult situations when it’s not clear which road to take.

CEO and Co-founder

What's a mistake that you're happy you've made?

I'm happy I chose a highly regulated market, even though it was tough. It taught me a lot about patience, attention to detail, and the importance of doing things right. These lessons have made me better at what I do.

CEO + Founder