I wish I had felt more comfortable in using my voice externally. I was terrified of my imperfections. I was awkward, and I didn’t want that on display. Once I understood, about two years ago, that my voice could impact those around me positively, I finally got the courage to speak.
"Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg. Because most people fail due to their own internal limiting beliefs (violent voices in our head).
All the “mistakes” have taught me something. I wouldn’t say I’m happy I made them, because there’s always a “negative” impact of a mistake. But I wouldn’t take anything back because I wouldn’t have learned without it.
The weight on a founder's shoulder for all successful companies is a lot greater than meets the eye. Strength comes from the ability to know how to get back up when you’re pushed to the ground, what feels like a million times over.
If we do right by our ecosystem (employees, partners, customers) for the long term, trust that the ecosystem will thrive together.
I started working very young on all sorts of ventures when I was 8. By necessity. Chili Piper is my first “real’ company. I started it because I believed the B2B buying process is broken and also because I believed companies can do better for their employees and their ecosystem.
Belief is critical. Without the belief that we can succeed together, we have nothing.
Trusting them to do their best work without monitoring or keeping them captive in an office. While giving them systems that: (1) let them see how the work impacts the overall bottom line; (2) allow them to contribute to all decisions (and all decisions are transparent); and (3) allow them to thrive at work.
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I always thought that my life can be balanced between personal, business, health, family, finances and love. In that sense how much energy I put in and get back. But with the years, I learned that life is imbalanced by nature. It's still a goal for me and I believe if all parts are some kind of balanced, this speaks of a highly valuable life, but accepting that there will always be a certain imbalance, helped me a lot.
It’s always a good idea to be connected to your product – even if you have to deal with high-level topics, always remember the things you offer.
In one of the hardest times of my life so far, I started journaling for 1-2h on Sundays. Not digital, but with paper and pen. Always answering the same questions related to self, social life and work. This brutally honest and regular reflection once a week helped me identify problems early and iterate fast.
My co-founders are my anchor in work-related topics. Having an environment where failure is welcomed with a helping hand and where weakness is valued as openness, once you are down those people will drag you up.