CEO and founder

What quote or saying has stuck with you?

"Most People Won't" by Bryce Roberts. It's such a simple yet powerful idea. Most people will talk about their ideas, but not bring them to life. Most people want to reach out, but most people won't. Most people will never overcome their blockers - so the ones that do have all the power.

What book do you recommend the most?

"The Second Mountain" by David Brooks. The core idea here has transformed my life and many people who I've gifted this to - that what we really seek is not fame, status, or money.

What’s your favorite ritual or meeting in your team?

I always try and start a meeting, especially team meetings, with some brightspotting. We are way too easily drawn to what's not working or broken. But if we start off with some team or client wins, that can change the mood.

What's a perspective that we should pay more attention to in the workplace?

I believe we should be paying more attention to the "jobs" that people have outside of the office - e.g. a parent or caregiver. I've always had a "family first" attitude, and was always generous whenever someone had an illness or family issue to attend to. But I now realize that for many, it's more of a long term part of their work/life balance, with many different seasons.

What personal habit or behavior has shaped you as a leader?

I've been a very strong proponent of post-mortems. All too often we're on to the next task, assuming we've learned. But the more intentional we are in looking back and, without assigning blame, understanding what could have been better, we can lock in those learnings.

What's a question you like asking — yourself or your colleagues?

If they were to bring in a new CEO today, what would they do? And why aren't we doing it now? As much as we think we're not, we get mired in the status quo, sunk costs, sacred cows, etc. That question immediately wipes the slate clean, and opens up fresh perspective.

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What do you wish you had known 10 years ago?

I always thought that my life can be balanced between personal, business, health, family, finances and love. In that sense how much energy I put in and get back. But with the years, I learned that ​​life is imbalanced by nature. It's still a goal for me and I believe if all parts are some kind of balanced, this speaks of a highly valuable life, but accepting that there will always be a certain imbalance, helped me a lot.

Co-CEO & Founder

What's the biggest insight you learned in recent years?

It’s always a good idea to be connected to your product – even if you have to deal with high-level topics, always remember the things you offer.

CEO + Co-Founder
Green City Solutions GmbH

What personal habit helped you accelerate your personal growth?

In one of the hardest times of my life so far, I started journaling for 1-2h on Sundays. Not digital, but with paper and pen. Always answering the same questions related to self, social life and work. This brutally honest and regular reflection once a week helped me identify problems early and iterate fast.

Co-Founder & CEO

When times are tough, who or what is an anchor for you?

My co-founders are my anchor in work-related topics. Having an environment where failure is welcomed with a helping hand and where weakness is valued as openness, once you are down those people will drag you up.
